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Islamic Relief: First Muslim Organisation Awarded Core Humanitarian Standard Certification

by in World on 4th July, 2017


It’s easy to get bogged down with negativity when we’re constantly exposed to bad news across the world – but today, we bring you some cheerful news!

Islamic Relief, a charity that many of us know of and may even donate to, has recently been globally recognised for its humanitarian work and efforts around the world! It is the first Muslim organisation and only the tenth in the world to attain the Core Humanitarian Standard certification – and an achievement that ought to be celebrated.

The certificate was awarded following a rigorous audit carried out at Islamic Relief’s headquarters in Birmingham, as well as in Ethiopia and Bangladesh where Islamic Relief carries out developmental programmes. Various interviews took place, with staff members as well as the communities that projects aimed to serve – including the local government.

Key strengths identified in the certificate include Islamic Relief’s commitment to accountability and transparency, community empowerment and resilience, to research, innovation and change, staff training and development and to establishing a strong quality management system for its operations.

Naser Haghamed, Islamic Relief’s CEO explained: “We are delighted to receive this accreditation, which adds much credibility to our programme and reputation within the sector. But we must not be complacent. We remain committed to continually learning and sharing this learning across our country programmes, all with the aim of improving our work around the world and our accountability to those we serve.”

The certificate is a testimony to the high quality humanitarian work that Islamic Relief have relentlessly been doing, acknowledges that aid is tailored according to the communities, and that these communities are getting the very best out of the projects put in place by Islamic Relief.

Overall, a wonderful effort from our brothers and sisters at Islamic Relief and an achievement worth the talk and celebration!

May Allāh accept all the work that Islamic Relief have done, are doing and will continue to do by His Mercy, and may He make it a means of elevation for all not only those who work to run the charity, but all the volunteers and donors who make their work possible!

Source: Islamic Relief