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The New Anastasia Beverly Hills Subculture Eyeshadow Palette Is Coming

by in Beauty & Makeup on 19th July, 2017

Source: @AnastasiaBeverlyHills

Anastasia Beverly Hills literally created a benchmark palette with the Modern Renaissance and it was the perfect mix of warm shadows in the best formula. She has just announced her second palette created with her ‘instagram family in mind’, the Subculture Palette.

Claudia Soare, ABH’s president said the new palette is a follow up to Modern Renaissance in the same size and shape and is a “spicy night” version. We’re looking forward to the official reveal but have spotted this leak of the potential palette from Reddit.

Source: Reddit

If this is the palette, it seems like it’s a lot of more vibrant than the Modern Renaissance with brighter shades of yellow and fuchsia featuring in it.

The Subculture palette is launching in the US on 25th July and we’re hoping it will be coming to the UK around the same time. Stay tuned for more details!



Amnah is the Fashion & Beauty Editor at Amaliah. She is a beauty hoarder and is known for saying "You can wear anything, trust me," which fills every woman with confidence. She also reviews Beauty and Skincare Products, to feature just contact her on: