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Tesco Features Muslim Family in Christmas Ad

by in World on 10th November, 2017

Tesco’s latest Christmas video features a Muslim family, the one-minute long video features families meeting and eating during the festive season.

The Muslim family are seen to greet other family members at the door; there is a Christmas wreath hanging and tinsel lining the hallway.

The video is part of a series of Christmas videos being released for view. Thus far the video has gathered criticism from both Muslims and those of other faiths. It’s vital to note that Tesco cater to the Muslim festival of Eid and Holy month of Ramadan but no Ads of such a nature have ever been nationally released.

A Tesco spokesperson said:

“Everyone is welcome at Tesco this Christmas and we’re proud to celebrate the many ways our customers come together over the festive season”

Is this a step in the right direction and have Tesco just released a right ole’ turkey? We would love to hear your views, click link to let us know your thoughts.

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Selina Bakkar

Selina Bakkar

I'm a simply striving to be better and improve in different areas of my life through more self awareness, experiences and learning more about the deen. You'll find me talking about community, connection, planting & growing, seeking the truth in an age of propaganda and misinformation. This year I want to document more to do with food heritage and history so watch this space or reach out. Have a listen to the Amaliah Voices podcast where I talk passionately about Islam, nature, motherhooding and back home. Link in bio peeps. To join the Amaliah Writer Community email me at IG: SelinaBakkar