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7 Ways to Increase Barakah in Your Life

by in Culture & Lifestyle on 23rd March, 2023

Do you ever plan your day ahead in the hopes of getting as many tasks done as possible, yet time slips away and the tasks and responsibilities remain unfulfilled? While this can be due to a test from Allah swt – in the case of an illness, for example –, the lack of barakah in our lives can also play a significant role in this.

The concept of Barakah is mentioned multiple times in the Qur’an such as: “Had the people of those societies been faithful and mindful ˹of Allah˺, We would have overwhelmed them with blessings from heaven and earth. But they disbelieved, so We seized them for what they used to commit.” (Qur’an 7:96)

Although Barakah is loosely translated as ‘blessings’, it has three significant meanings in the Arabic language. The first definition is “Al namaa wal zeyada”  which means “growth and increase”, the second is “Al istimrarya” meaning continuity, and the third stems from the phrase “ibtaraka al jamal” which translates to “the camel has kneeled” and refers to the fact that when camels kneel, they usually remain in the same position for lengthy periods. So an action or item containing barakah is one which continually increases and remains in the same place as though it sticks. Thus, a small action with barakah can result in a significant reaction, opposing Newton’s third law of motion: “for every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction”.  

Barakah is a central value in Islam that represents the abundance and blessings that come from Allah (SWT). It encompasses several mindsets that we as Muslims need to embody in order to benefit from its presence in our lives. These include:

Moderation: To avoid excessiveness in all matters and seek the middle path.

Generosity: To give others from our time, wealth, knowledge, and experience (while expecting nothing in return).

Uprightness: To do what’s moral, ethical and honest in all situations.These values are not only important for individual growth but also for the well-being of the society and community.

The Prophet’s ﷺ Life and Barakah:

Barakah is growth and increase, which some of Allah’s servants enjoy, and our Prophet made dua for at various points, and for a number of companions including Anas ibn Malik (ra). The Prophet said, “O God, increase his wealth and his children and bless him with what you gave him.” [Sahih Bukhari 6344]

Allah SWT accepted the supplication of His Prophet , such that Anas became the most wealthy of the Ansar and the most abundant of them, to the extent that he saw more than a hundred of his children and granddaughters. Allah also blessed him in his life until he lived a full century and three years above it. .[Sowar min hayat al sahaba]

In addition, books of hadith and biography have recorded several miraculous incidents of the Messenger where Allah instilled Barakah in his actions. For example, the food of one person became sufficient for two, sometimes four or much more. Particularly during the battle of Khandaq, the Prophet was able to feed a thousand people from a small sheep. [Sahih Bukhari 3070]

Here are some ways, according to the Qur’an and Sunnah, that we can bring barakah into our lives as Muslims:

  1. Begin with the name of Allah: Allah begins and ends Surah Al-Rahman, with His name. In addition, the verse relating to gratitude and glorification of Allah is repeated 31 times. This implies that the name of Allah SWT is full of Barakah, thus if we seek to bring barakah to any work that we try to do, it is essential to begin and end whatever we are doing with His name. 
  2. Perform Salah regularly and on time: Allah SWT says, “Enjoin prayer on your family (and people), and be steadfast therein. We ask you not for provision: We provide it for you. And the rewards of the Hereafter are for [those of] righteousness.”[Qur’an 20:132]
  3. Read and reflect on the Qur’an: The Qur’an is the speech of Allah (SWT) and a source of guidance and wisdom for Muslims. Allah says, “And this is a Book which We have sent down, bringing blessings, and confirming (the revelations) which came before it…” [Qur’an 6:92] So when we regularly engage with the Quran, it opens up pathways for blessings in our lives. 
  4. Honesty in trading and income: Sincerity when conducting business is a way to increase barakah in your income. The Prophet ﷺ said, “The buyer and the seller have the option of cancelling or confirming the bargain unless they separate, and if they spoke the truth and made clear the defects of the goods, then they would be blessed in their bargain, and if they told lies and hid some facts, their bargain would be deprived of Allah’s blessings.” [Sahih al-Bukhari 2047]
  5. Istighfar and repentance: Allah says, “Seek your Lord’s forgiveness, ˹for˺ He is truly Most Forgiving. He will shower you with abundant rain, supply you with wealth and children, and give you gardens as well as rivers.” [Qur’an 71:10-12]
  6. Make du’a: Set aside some time from your day to make sincere du’a to Allah, and ask Him to grant you barakah in your affairs. Allah SWT says, “When my servants ask you concerning me, (tell them) I am indeed close (to them). I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calls on me.” [Qur’an 2:186]
  7. Be patient: Patience is a key component of faith and it is something that we must all strive to attain. By being patient in the face of difficulties and hardships, we are showing our trust in Allah (SWT) and this brings barakah into our lives.

Zayd ibn Arqam said, “I had a pain in my eyes and the Prophet , visited me and said, ‘Zayd, if your eyes were to go blind because of their illness, what would you do?’ I said, ‘I would be steadfast and reckon my reward to be with Allah.’ He said, ‘If that happens to your eyes and you are steadfast and reckon your reward to be with Allah, then your reward will be jannah.'” [Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 532]

Those who possess a mindset of barakah are said to have a positive outlook on life and are focused on gratitude and generosity. They are also thought to be less affected by the ups and downs of life and to have a greater ability to find contentment in difficult situations. The mindset of barakah is important as an Islamic spiritual practice and is viewed as a key to achieving spiritual growth and closeness to Allah.

Here are some du’as to bring barakah into our lives:

  • Rabbi innee limaa anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqeer (My Lord, indeed I am in need of whatever good You would send down to me) [Qur’an 28:24]
  • Allahumma barik lana fi ma razaqtana wa qina adaba al nar (Oh Allah, bless us in our sustenance and grant us independence and save us from the hellfire) [ibn as-Sunni]
  • Rabbi hab lee minas-saaliheen (My Lord, grant me from among the righteous) [Qur’an 37:100]
  • Allahumma inni as’alukal ‘afiyata fil-hayat wa fil-mamat (Oh Allah, I ask you for health in this life and the next) [Sahih Book 34, Hadith 45]

It is important to note that making dua and asking Allah for blessings is a fundamental aspect of Islamic worship and should be done with humility, sincerity, and a sense of reliance on Allah.


  1. Meaning of barakah in arabic language
  2. Sahih Ibn Hibban book. Page 7178
  3. Sahih Al- Bukhari 2079 & Muslim 1532
  4. Lessons from Surah Al Rahman
  5. Translation of Surah Al Rahman
  6. Barakah examples from the life of the prophet ﷺ 
  7. More about Rizq
  8. Stories of barakah from Al Serah Al Nabawiya
Aya El-Dassouki

Aya El-Dassouki

Aya El-Dassouki. A first year computer science student at York University. I am 19 years old seeking more knowledge and trying to spread the knowledge I have to benefit others!