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The Self Doubt Creeps in and the Questioning Begins. Am I Good Enough?

by in Culture & Lifestyle on 18th July, 2017


We asked Muslim women what they thought when we said the word SELF ESTEEM:

I wonder what my self esteem is tied to. It used to be tied to how I felt about my body. I think it might be something else now, but I’m not sure what…


Don’t let anyone tell you that you are not good enough, smart enough, qualified enough, to chase your dreams. Don’t wait for validation from someone else.. look in the mirror today and repeat after me ” I am good enough, smart enough, qualified enough”

By Umm Fariha

How we feel about ourselves is reflected in everything we do and the choices we make. Self esteem has a huge impact on our lives.


It’s the years of silent oppression. The innocent and indirect joke. The way someone laughs at an outfit or an expression of self, it seeps into your subconcious and instantly chips away at the next thought. It’s women, Is it?. We chip away at eachother, there are the ones who push you to be better, raise you up like we should and they others, without saying anything they bring you tumbling down, a look, that look, the evaluation in 5 seconds; her shoes, her top…her.

The self doubt creeps in and the questioning begins. Am I good enough.


You darling are an intelligent, beautiful and a wonderful human being of worth. You were created by Allah, how can you doubt yourself or view yourself as broken. I am everything and more.

I was created by Allah. My worth comes from my creator not from the size 10 labels of the ‘ 10 things that make you intelligent’ on Buzzfeed or looking up at the women on the posters.

Perfect avatar beings. Not real, nipped and tucked and memories erased. The scars, the lines, my memories embedded on my skin they make me human. I am not an avatar being.

I am real perfect imperfection.

By Summer Fall

We get caught up comparing ourselves and our lives to others especially on social media which can lead to low self esteem. Don’t let it. Everytime you find yourself going on a downward spiral think about all the blessings and awesome qualities you have. If you’re not sure what they are ask your girls and make a list. Look in the mirror and say how beautiful and awesome you are and alhumdilliah for everything.

By Arfa

It’s accepting that you’re not perfect and you don’t need to be. It starts with rejecting outside validation and standards. You’re enough and that’s all that matters. Take the time to mould you. You hear stories of people spending 15 years on creating their masterpiece, you are your greatest masterpiece…take time, craft and build yourself ????????


Self-esteem is a concept which is often (wrongfully) synonymous with low-self esteem and insecurity. It doesn’t have to be. The conversation we should be having, is the sources from where we draw our validation and how that affects our self-esteem, be that positive or negative. What/who makes you feel good/bad about yourself, ladies? From where should we draw our validation, and from whom (if anyone) should we be seeking approval? I would argue we should aim to please no one, but I would be interested to learn about how others identify their sources of validation.


You get to an age where self esteem is nothing about looks and so much more about who you are and what you’ve accomplished. Self esteem stops being about the attention you get from other people but rather how happy you are with the person you’ve become. To other women I’d say try your best to be the person you’d look up to and always strive to be the best version of yourself.


That little voice inside your head that says you can’t do that, who do you think you are, you’re stupid.


Yes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, however what about your own beauty from within? What about the way you see your soul if you were to seperate from your vessel, which is mere flesh? What would it reveal…


2 years ago I was told by my counsellor that I had zero self esteem… she put me through a series of mind excercises and activities to change my perception of myself and confidence build. Now I know I’m badass. I don’t need anyone to validate who I am because I love who I am and thank God he made me this way everyday. I also realised self esteem issues are directly linked to your emotional pain. Face your pain, take your brokenness and own it. Make it your USP.

Nafisah Kara

Amaliah Team

Amaliah Team

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