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How to Phrase “No Boxed Gifts” in 4 Ways

by in Relationships on 9th April, 2019

No boxed gifts – the not so subtle term that can be found on wedding invites that implies presents should be in the form of money or vouchers. The reasons why are a many, perhaps the couple have already moved in so they don’t need a dinner set or a kettle, or maybe they are trying to save for their honeymoon or a downpayment on a property. I get it, you’ve spent loads of money on a one-time event and you need to get your coins so you don’t start your union in debt.

Here are 4 alternative ways instead of NO BOXED GIFTS which for some, comes across as tasteless, albeit it is the norm in many cultures.

1. An explanation:

Perhaps you have been living together and so you are not in need of boxed presents, a message like: Your presence at our wedding and prayers for our future is all that we wish for. If you would like to give a gift, we would be grateful for a small donation towards our new future/house/honeymoon/”

2. Getting creative with a poem

How about a poem to lighten things up?

When thinking of a gift for us
We ask if you’d please consider
Contributing to our honeymoon
to make it all the sweeter.

Our house is full of all the things
a couple could require,
and so a holiday away
is what we most desire.

Then while we’re relaxing on the beach
or by the pool so blue
we’ll sit back and know
that it is truly thanks to you!

You can find a range of poems here


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3. The new age no boxed gifts 

Ever thought of a honeymoon gift fund? There are a number of websites that offer the service like This isn’t for everyone and perhaps no boxed gifts is what you will stick to!

4. Donating to charity

This won’t work for everyone as it is a lot to ask for from the couple, but perhaps for smaller more intimate weddings ask for a donation to a preferred charity in the way you can do on Facebook when it’s your birthday. Or, if you prefer to keep the act of charity under wraps, agree with your partner that a small portion of cash gifts will go to a charity of your choice. I think it is a beautiful act to donate a proportion of any money gifted to charity, a joint form of sadaqah, to start off on the right foot.

Amaliah Anonymous

Amaliah Anonymous

This piece was written by a member of the Amaliah community. If you would like to contribute anonymously, drop us an email us on