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“How Do I Have More Rights to Pray in Topshop Than a Mosque? ”

by in Culture & Lifestyle on 16th March, 2018

There have been a number of conversations on Amaliah about mosques spaces and interactions:

What Are the Social Implications of Mosques Not Having Women’s Sections?

A Response to “Sister, It’s Better for You to Pray at Home”

Recently Nafisa Bakkar, co-founder of shared her thoughts and experiences on men only mosques. Many brothers and sisters across the globe were shocked and confused about ‘men only mosques’.

 What are your thoughts?

Do we need reform or are they catering to the community as they should? If you’d like to explore this topic and write with Amaliah then send pitches and articles to

Many brothers and sisters across the globe were shocked and confused about ‘men only mosques’.


Amaliah Team

Amaliah Team

This article was written by a member of the Amaliah team or a collective team effort. You can follow us on @amaliah_tweets for the latest or head over to our Instagram @amaliah_com. If you're reading this and are thinking about contributing an article then send us an email with a brief or a full article to