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Muslimah Dating Diaries: Dear Disorganised Dean…

by in Relationships on 18th September, 2019

Dear Disorganised Dean,

I’m not sure how to approach this, it is not every day you come across a grown man that doesn’t know how to navigate his own life.

In the nicest way possible, sort yourself out, I am not your rehabilitation center, shrink, or personal assistant. There are tons of resources out there to make you a more serious human being. Youtube how to adult as a first. Buy a bullet journal as a second, learn how to compartmentalise your life as a third.

I won’t take that you will miss another coffee with me because you have a meeting you forgot about. The deen says in the nicest way possible live up to your name!

From a fully grown human being and organised Muslimah.

Another dating Muslimah

Another dating Muslimah

What is life like as a Muslimah navigating the treacherous landscape of Dating in the pursuit to find the 'perfect' husband? Another Dating Muslimah shares her personal reflections with us.