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Muslimah Dating Diaries: Dear Conflicted Carim

by in Culture & Lifestyle on 29th August, 2018

A special series on finding a bae, we hear from our resident dating Muslimah on the sorts of guys she comes across. We’ve heard about Boring Bashir, Overly Honest Osman and Instagram Imran; this time it’s about Conflicted Carim.

Dear Conflicted Carim,

It’s clear you were never as certain as me, but for future reference, don’t ever keep a girl on the hook. Giving her mixed signals because you need more time. Let her move on and find someone better. And in the meantime, spend some time with yourself to figure out what it is you actually want and maybe work through your self-esteem issues.

From a Tired Muslimah

Another dating Muslimah

Another dating Muslimah

What is life like as a Muslimah navigating the treacherous landscape of Dating in the pursuit to find the 'perfect' husband? Another Dating Muslimah shares her personal reflections with us.