Sex, intimacy and female pleasure within the context of Islam. These aren’t all too often talked about subjects within the muslim community. So we’ve brought in community scholar and sex expert, Angelica Lindsey-Ali, a.k.a our fave @villageauntie, to answer your questions, concerns and curiosities on all things related to sex, intimacy and body confidence every month on the Amaliah Podcast – so that we’re no longer in the dark… 
We’ve picked from the crop of questions you’ve submitted to the podcast anonymously through our sex survey, and here’s what Angelica is answering this episode:
The reality of Ghusl overwhelms me. I’m not married yet, but I’m thinking about it for when I am and for the times that I might want to have sex really regularly, which will happen. I have Afro hair in dreads and wash it once a week. I know Ghusl is just what we have to do, I’m just wondering if we could get some light through conversation about what it’s like to do ghusl regularly and what that may be like to do with hair that doesn’t support being washed all the time?
Do you have to consummate your marriage on your wedding night? How do you prepare with your partner on expectations for your first time? Following on from that, what is the etiquette around “turning down” your partner who wants to have sex or vice versa?
I’ve recently had a baby and every time I get aroused my breasts start lactating uncontrollably. I’m constantly paranoid that I will fall pregnant (and I don’t want to go on the pill/condoms). My fear of getting pregnant is impacting my enjoyment…
The topic of orgasms come up a lot. What different types of orgasms are there and the way to get them? Can you give us a 101 on female anatomy in relation to pleasure?
What do you do if you find your partner’s sexual preferences distasteful but they feel this is the only way they can enjoy sex?
You recently mentioned on one of your instagram stories in response to a question about masturbation that it is haraam, but that there are other ways to achieve orgasm on your own that are not – could you elaborate on this?
If you would like your
ANONYMOUS question answered in the next episode,
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Artwork by our beloved Lakshmi Hussein © find her at @thislakshmi on IG Follow Angelica on Twitter and IG @villageauntie & Ryan Little @iamryanlittle over on Acast, Apple Music and Spotify.